Tuesday, June 24, 2014

I'm sorry for the inactivity.

Hello there Ladies and Gentlemen!
I just wanted to apologize for not writing anything in the past month. It's that time of the year again when June and I are together, therefore I do not have much time for gaming. Or when I do, we usually play the games which we've played for a long while.

I might, though, write a review of Landmark Beta, Battlefield Hardline beta, Slender: The Arrival and what ever else we play together. Though, do not have too big hopes.
Thank you all for following me through my reviews!

I also started making a lot more videos. June gave me an early birthday present and it was a new hard disk. Exactly a thing that I needed to be able to start recording. So my two videos are already up, and I am still preparing some of them for you!

Once again, thank you all for following me and I hope that you will be awaiting for my return!
Have a great summer vacations!

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