Hello everybody!
Here I am with one of worlds most popular games again, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim!
A bit about the game and developers.
Skyrim was made by one of those top known companies on Earth, called Bethesda Softworks. They are the same guys behind all other The Elder Scrolls games, as well as the upcoming hit MMORPG which i will only buy if it will not have monthly fee: Elder Scrolls Online!
About Gameplay.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, or Skyrim for short, is a role playing game which puts all those WoW and any other MMORPG elements into one beautiful single player game. There are hundreds, probably even thousands of quests which you can complete in Skyrim. Some give you money, some give you items, some give you fame. They also sometimes give you all three of those. There are various missions such as: Protect a guy while he is going from one city to the other, or find the lost treasure which might or might not be in a cave, kill a dragon in a nearby village, slaughter bandit camp, hunt down vampires or some other very fun missions.

Great thing about Skyrim is that there are no classes. You can be anything that you desire. You can be a mage with heavy armor. Or a gladiator with robes so you could move faster. Literally anything you want! There are also a lot of professions that you can chose from like Blacksmithing and alchemy. Blacksmithing allows you to build some weapons which can not be built in game, while alchemy allows you to make various potions and enchants on your weapon, allowing you to make the most powerful equipment in the whole game.

There is one main quest and tones of other quests. You can also join a guild that will give you some benefits such as cheaper items in shops, they will also allow you to buy some items which can't be bought by normal merchants and so on and on. There are various guilds such as Thief guild, The Comapnions, mercenary guild, mages guild, The Dark Brotherhood (assassins) and so on and on.

There are various armors, robes and leather equipment for you to use. There are also various weapons such as bow and arrow (with a lot of different types of bows and arrows), swords, warhammers, maces, staffs... There are also combinations such as dual wielding swords, or sword in one hand and an axe in the other. Enchants also make your equipment much stronger, giving you some boosts as 15 more protection from heavy armors, or "Upon hit you deal shock damage" or something else. Since you can enchant your own equipment, there are also various combinations you can use as well.

Character customization is pretty amazing but nothing that would go into the depth of a character as some other F2P games such as Tera or APB: Reloaded. There are also various of different races to chose from. All races give you some boosts. Also, choosing a race is also important for some quests because some NPC's might like you more if you're a Nord, while other would like you more if you were an imperial.

Combat system in this game is pretty sweet. You need to aim above the target with bow and arrow because arrows fall after a while. Some magic skills require some time to get casted, others are instant. Melee weapons allow you to do few different attacks, depending on how you do them. If you move your mouse to the right or left while holding the attack button, your character will do a slash attack, while if you move your mouse up, your character will do a slice attack which also does massive damage to all enemies right in front of you.
Graphic and Audio

Graphic in Skyrim is amazing. There are wonderful sights to see, wonderful mountains, flowers, trees. All the NPCs look stunning, and so do animals. Well wolves are kind of disappointment to me but everything else is just wonderful. And the sky takes my breath away, no mater if it's day or night.
And songs are amazing. But then again, all Elder scrolls songs are amazing. Once you hear them, you can't stop listening and humming them all
day long.
Dovahkiin, Dovahkiin!

There are a lot of different quests in this game, and the story is pretty amazing so i will not say anything about it. This is one of those games which should never be spoiled!
Pros, cons and final grade.
- Nice customization.
-Wonderful graphic and audio
- Massive sandbox world, full of various creatures and places.
- Saving a village from a dragon, the village people will remember your fame.
- A lot of bugs which are not important.
Overall grade: 10/10
Skyrim is an ocean with the depth of a swimming pool.
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ReplyDeleteThe Elder Scrolls V Skyrim is a role-playing adventure game that revolves around completely nonlinear game play. This means that the player is not forced to complete missions in the main quest. They are free to roam the landscape and explore towns, cities.
Skyrim was made by one of those Darkfall Unholy Wars Gold top known companies on Earth, called Bethesda Softworks. They are the same guys behind all other The Elder Scrolls games, as well as the upcoming hit MMORPG which i will only buy if it will not have monthly fee: Elder Seve isk crolls Online!