Hello guys! Today i have prepared somethings new for all of you!
I will give away few copies of Faerie Solitaire! More info at the end of the post :D
APB: Reloaded... That's the best game in great team! But without good team, you get very frustrated! I had free 10 day premium and in those 10 days, i got further then where i was with my old, Closed Beta character. I was playing so much, haha :D
Yesterday I was playing with my dear June. Honestly, she would be great at game if she wouldn't be angry at herself for not beeing good in game. She did some awesome kills thought, and im very very proud of her! Keep up the great work baby :D I love you!
We lost the mission due to our enemies. They were gold threath (in bronze district), rank 195 (max) AND they had a ghost. Never saw such noobs in my life... Their clan name is "Task Force 121" so if you see them, spit on them ;)
MINECRAFT! Who doesn't like Minecraft?!?! I used to play cracked version (but then i took a creeper to the knee) of the game, but I got tired of it so i bought a real account of some guy :D
This game is a MUST play! And from now on, TLS will play Minecraft as well! And if everything goes good, I'll make Minecraft server :)
I started playing WoW Wrath of the Lich King again. On my own private server, which you can see in the link bar on the right, or you can click it right here ---> WoW-Sanctum
WoW Sanctum is 1x XP rates, as close to retail WoW as it can be. So if you have nothing else to do, please come and join on the server :D
Also, I know that our website is a bit shitty, but its because I have no friends who do web designing, so I need to do / learn everything by myself (or ask dad, but i don't wanna be pain in the ass), AND that takes ages XD
I currently have only one GM (maybe two, but probably just one) so there is tiny chance for everyone to become a GM. To be able to apply for a GM, you need to become level 80 in the game :) Good luck to everyone!
My June and I are still playing Saints Row 2, and we still didn't beat it, haha :D
We did about 40% of the game. We defeated Ronins and Sons of Samedi, and we've got Brotherhood and Ultor to go :D
The game is very fun and I can't wait to beat it, so we re-play it but with cheats! This game, just as GTA, is even better with cheats ;)
Brick Force is game which connects fast paced FPS like Call of Duty series with Minecraft. Its just in Stress Test at the moment (That means not even beta. Its like alpha :D ) and I tried it out! It's very fun, but way to easy. I always had over 20 kills and about 5 deaths max. I need stronger enemies :P
Hope to see ya there!
Also, in this game you can make your own maps, so you can practictly play free Minecraft ;)
Faerie Solitaire is a card based game which you play over steam. You are some guy (i don't really follow the story to much D:) and your mission is to save Faeries from someone or something. This game is way better then real Faerie Solitaire and i really need to recommend it to everyone!
To get free copie of Faerie Solitaire, you need to post a comment of what do you like on the blog, what should i change and what should i add! If you are posting as someone without gmail / google account, please give me your email (or steam account address) where i can send you key if you win. If you follow my blog, you have double chance to win! I'm gonna use random.org to chose a winner. I will pick 2 lucky winners who will get free copie of Faerie Solitaire!
Good luck to everyone!
Small edit: One guy (Lucky the Gamer) reminded me that I've forgot to put info about the end of give away. The giveaway will end on friday, 6th of April 2012. I wanted to give more time so more people could see and join the giveaway. Good luck to everyone!
Also, you can give put your steam link in stead of email :)
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Monday, March 19, 2012
Third March post!
I didn't write in quite a while now o-o I started to miss my readers <3
My beloved June and I are still playing Saints Row 2! We only beat about 30% of the game thought. After grabbing 40 hours on it! We barely play, because she is to busy usually. And when we do play, we plan to have more fun then to just do missions :P Or sometime we need to chill out after bad day, so we destroy half of the town ^^
But we never use cheats. No cheats! Why? Game is no fun to beat with cheats! After you beat it.. USE CHEATS!
Saints Row 2 rules!
And APB! I love that game! With my new CPU, there is no lag, graphic is beautiful and the game is very fun (if you keep winning ;) )! Even thought ChocolateFace and June don't play much, i keep playing as much as i can ^^ I even found out that this site ---> GameCoach <--- Gives you 10 day free premium with a golden pistol for 10 days! I leveled my new account on the same stuff as my closed beta account is, in just two days! AND my new character (premium one) looks VERY badass because of all tattoos and lots of customization! If i'll still play APB when i get a credit card, ill buy myself premium every few months XD
This would be the best game in the world if the requirements for it weren't so large ^^
Syphio, Merkava, ChocolateFace and I didn't play Dead Island to much lately. Syphio's girlfriend got home so they hang out a lot, or when he is home then Chocolate is missing. Or when three of them are online, im to busy or away. So no much time :( And I miss it so much!
I hope to play it soon again with guys. We were just on part of the game where we go down into the city sewers. We do EVERY SINGLE mission in the game :)
Well not much to say here. We got two new clan members, Bladezz and CoolJon31 (i think 31... I'm not sure about the number, and I'm to lazy to check it out D: ) We did one mission (hard rain) and it was very fun and not to long, but it would be way more fun and way shorter if Syphio was with us :P But, on his luck, he got Payday, so he plays it all day long XD
AND finally! My favorite serie just ended second season :( Now i need to wait till at least summer (but probably till next year..) To finally start watching third season. This is really the best serie of all time. I wish there were more zombie series out there. Not just two.
That's it for now ^^
Hope to see ya next time!
I didn't write in quite a while now o-o I started to miss my readers <3
But we never use cheats. No cheats! Why? Game is no fun to beat with cheats! After you beat it.. USE CHEATS!
Saints Row 2 rules!
And APB! I love that game! With my new CPU, there is no lag, graphic is beautiful and the game is very fun (if you keep winning ;) )! Even thought ChocolateFace and June don't play much, i keep playing as much as i can ^^ I even found out that this site ---> GameCoach <--- Gives you 10 day free premium with a golden pistol for 10 days! I leveled my new account on the same stuff as my closed beta account is, in just two days! AND my new character (premium one) looks VERY badass because of all tattoos and lots of customization! If i'll still play APB when i get a credit card, ill buy myself premium every few months XD
This would be the best game in the world if the requirements for it weren't so large ^^
Syphio, Merkava, ChocolateFace and I didn't play Dead Island to much lately. Syphio's girlfriend got home so they hang out a lot, or when he is home then Chocolate is missing. Or when three of them are online, im to busy or away. So no much time :( And I miss it so much!
I hope to play it soon again with guys. We were just on part of the game where we go down into the city sewers. We do EVERY SINGLE mission in the game :)
Well not much to say here. We got two new clan members, Bladezz and CoolJon31 (i think 31... I'm not sure about the number, and I'm to lazy to check it out D: ) We did one mission (hard rain) and it was very fun and not to long, but it would be way more fun and way shorter if Syphio was with us :P But, on his luck, he got Payday, so he plays it all day long XD
AND finally! My favorite serie just ended second season :( Now i need to wait till at least summer (but probably till next year..) To finally start watching third season. This is really the best serie of all time. I wish there were more zombie series out there. Not just two.
That's it for now ^^
Hope to see ya next time!
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Second March post!
Yo readers!
First of all, i want to start this post by saying that dablOseven ( 007 ) has made a blog! It will mostly be all about his nightlife and crazy Fridays and Saturedays! He's a party kind of guy. Here's a direct to his blog --> Daddy's Blog. You can also find the link in my "very good links" section on the right side of my blog.
There was a free weekend of Payday The Heist! And guess what!!! TLS loved it! We had so much fun! Syphio, ChocolateFace, Merkava and I have been playing it for hours! Payday is a game that is something like Left 4 Dead 2, but without PvP and without zombies. You play as one of four wanted criminals (your friends play other 3) and your mission is to rob a bank, or return your money back from a guy who double crossed you, or steal diamonds. There are just 6 different missions, and that's the only reason why this game shouldn't be sold for more then 5 Euro. Trust me and do not buy it for anything more then 5 euro. Its very fun game, but there aren't any mods, nor any custom built maps for it, so when you beat those 6 missions few times (as TLS has) you will get bored of the game. So if you buy the game in full price, which is 20 euros right now, you will waste 15 euros for nothing.
Saints Row 2, on the other hand, is VERY VERY VERY fun and addicting once you make it work! Thought, you need to make it work! It's very hard, and a huge pain in the ass. My June and I have been trying to make it work for four days, before we finally managed. But now that we have, It totally payed off!
Stealing cars, taking lives, catching planes and helicopters, and then trying to catch each other in the air! VERY FUN AND ADDICTING! It might be a bit old, and graphic outdated by now, but trust me, if you get a chance to buy it for 2.50 euro again, DO IT!
AND TLS has also moved to APB Reloaded (All Points Bulletin)! It's the same as old APB, but free and with more spammers :P And Russians!
We don't play APB:Reloaded to much thought, because it lags often so we lose all the patience. If it didn't lag, and if there weren't so many idiots, APB: Reloaded would be one of the best games in the world!
That's it for today people! See ya!
First of all, i want to start this post by saying that dablOseven ( 007 ) has made a blog! It will mostly be all about his nightlife and crazy Fridays and Saturedays! He's a party kind of guy. Here's a direct to his blog --> Daddy's Blog. You can also find the link in my "very good links" section on the right side of my blog.
There was a free weekend of Payday The Heist! And guess what!!! TLS loved it! We had so much fun! Syphio, ChocolateFace, Merkava and I have been playing it for hours! Payday is a game that is something like Left 4 Dead 2, but without PvP and without zombies. You play as one of four wanted criminals (your friends play other 3) and your mission is to rob a bank, or return your money back from a guy who double crossed you, or steal diamonds. There are just 6 different missions, and that's the only reason why this game shouldn't be sold for more then 5 Euro. Trust me and do not buy it for anything more then 5 euro. Its very fun game, but there aren't any mods, nor any custom built maps for it, so when you beat those 6 missions few times (as TLS has) you will get bored of the game. So if you buy the game in full price, which is 20 euros right now, you will waste 15 euros for nothing.
Saints Row 2, on the other hand, is VERY VERY VERY fun and addicting once you make it work! Thought, you need to make it work! It's very hard, and a huge pain in the ass. My June and I have been trying to make it work for four days, before we finally managed. But now that we have, It totally payed off!
Stealing cars, taking lives, catching planes and helicopters, and then trying to catch each other in the air! VERY FUN AND ADDICTING! It might be a bit old, and graphic outdated by now, but trust me, if you get a chance to buy it for 2.50 euro again, DO IT!
AND TLS has also moved to APB Reloaded (All Points Bulletin)! It's the same as old APB, but free and with more spammers :P And Russians!
We don't play APB:Reloaded to much thought, because it lags often so we lose all the patience. If it didn't lag, and if there weren't so many idiots, APB: Reloaded would be one of the best games in the world!
That's it for today people! See ya!
Saturday, March 3, 2012
First March post :D
Hello Ladies and Gentleman!
Today I'll tell you a lot of things that happened to my clan and me in the last few weeks that I didn't write. First of all I want to say that i didn't go on air oft from the last time, because.. Well I've got no idea why, to be honest. So, let me start :D
I stopped playing America's Army 3. Few reasons.
1. I had a lot of lag. I've got no idea why
2. I had no one to play it with :(
3. It got boring after a while.
I downloaded cracked version of Saints Row the Third... AND THE GAME IS AWESOME! If it wasn't this expensive, I'd definitely buy it :D Its funny, but at the same time very awesome. Thought, its way to easy. And if you add all those DLC pack's, game is even more easy! I have beaten it in about 2 days. Its kind of short.
Now this is one Awesome game! Mafia 2. I never thought that Czech could make so good game. I needed three days to beat it, and it was so worth it! Thought, the ending of the game is so sad :( I hope that Mafia 3 comes soon!!!
And my clan finally found out a way to play Dead Island! I use original game, Ch0c0at3Fac3 (new clan member) does as well, while Syphio and his brother play cracked version with us. We use Hamachi.
We played it about 15+ hours already, and we still didn't finish 3rd chapter! The hell, we just started it yesterday night! We literally do every single mission that we come across. I can't wait to finally go and search for that bigawse airplane I have never seen it for now :P
We had one very very fun moment yesterday. We all laughed like someone gave us drugs.. EVEN MORE!
We had a mission to go to a gas station and take juice boxes. So we did. Syphio's brother was driving so we got there pretty fast. we took down all zombies that got in the way, did a mission and then we were returning to our base. On the way back, we stopped at one dude to give him gas tanks (also a side mission) to get more money or something, I forgot what. ChocolateFace and Merkava (Syphio's brother) got into the car first... And guess what... They decided to leave without Syphio and me! Luckily (thought not so lucky xD) Syphio took one juice box out of the car, so Choco and Merk couldn't go to far. When they stopped and Syphio and i got closer, they drove like 10 more meters away. After Syphio and i got even closer, they drove 10 more meters away! And so on and on. It was very funny and awesome :D It's an experience and fun that can only be brought to you by TLS clan members XD
AANNDD For the last game for today, Saints Row 2! I bought two games yesterday (one for my June and one for myself) so we could play co-op together :D Thought I've got a problem. I gotta download it throught steam. And that will take hours. While she plays it already, I can't play it for at least 5-6 more hours :( What a louzy luck.. Ah well, person can't have everything, right? Also, If you want Saints Row 2 for cheap, it costs 2.50 € on Steam at the moment :D Grab it while you can!
Well That's it for today (i think :P)
Ill see you guys later!
Today I'll tell you a lot of things that happened to my clan and me in the last few weeks that I didn't write. First of all I want to say that i didn't go on air oft from the last time, because.. Well I've got no idea why, to be honest. So, let me start :D
I stopped playing America's Army 3. Few reasons.
1. I had a lot of lag. I've got no idea why
2. I had no one to play it with :(
3. It got boring after a while.
I downloaded cracked version of Saints Row the Third... AND THE GAME IS AWESOME! If it wasn't this expensive, I'd definitely buy it :D Its funny, but at the same time very awesome. Thought, its way to easy. And if you add all those DLC pack's, game is even more easy! I have beaten it in about 2 days. Its kind of short.
Now this is one Awesome game! Mafia 2. I never thought that Czech could make so good game. I needed three days to beat it, and it was so worth it! Thought, the ending of the game is so sad :( I hope that Mafia 3 comes soon!!!
And my clan finally found out a way to play Dead Island! I use original game, Ch0c0at3Fac3 (new clan member) does as well, while Syphio and his brother play cracked version with us. We use Hamachi.
We played it about 15+ hours already, and we still didn't finish 3rd chapter! The hell, we just started it yesterday night! We literally do every single mission that we come across. I can't wait to finally go and search for that bigawse airplane I have never seen it for now :P
We had one very very fun moment yesterday. We all laughed like someone gave us drugs.. EVEN MORE!
AANNDD For the last game for today, Saints Row 2! I bought two games yesterday (one for my June and one for myself) so we could play co-op together :D Thought I've got a problem. I gotta download it throught steam. And that will take hours. While she plays it already, I can't play it for at least 5-6 more hours :( What a louzy luck.. Ah well, person can't have everything, right? Also, If you want Saints Row 2 for cheap, it costs 2.50 € on Steam at the moment :D Grab it while you can!
Well That's it for today (i think :P)
Ill see you guys later!
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